Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Violence in Democratic Republic Congo

The lives of civilians in DR Congo has been stolen due to the increased violence between the militia group Bana Mura supported by the government, the army and Kamuina Nsapu a rebel group. Since September 2016, violence erupted after the death of a tribal chieftain, known as the Kamwina Nsapu, who rebelled against the authority of President Joseph Kabila's government in Kinshasa and its local representatives”. Villages have been burnt to the ground and according to the UN official report in August 3.8 million people have been displaced. There have been reports of children being used as soldiers, people being raped, tortured and killed. Around 33,000 Congolese have sought asylum in Angola. Angola is trying to cope with the overwhelming arrival of over 500,000 refugees fleeing war in Burundi, Rwanda, South Sudan and the Central African Republic.

BBC Article tells the story of how the violence affected and impacted 7 people lives.

Anne: Was hit on the head with a machete and fell to the ground. She was spared because they thought she was dead. Her children survived because she told them to cover themselves in blood and play dead.

Bernadette: Lost everything. His house was burned down, he was stabbed and saw helpless children drown. He fled to Tshikapa city where he received help. He stays on the floor. He is unable to return home because they can be identified by their language and killed.

Emmanuel: Lost his wife, son, daughter and almost lost his brother. In the middle of the day the enemies came burned down their houses and killed them. He lost his two diplomas. He feels helpless. He does know what to do or where to go.

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